Quest for home

Are you there yet?

Wistful writer
2 min readFeb 19, 2023
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

We hustle every day.

You…me, everyone around us.
Take a pause and have a look around you.

Everyone is always going somewhere, doing something, striving to achieve something…solve something, or get something.

It’s neverending…this hustle.

Ever wondered why?

I have realized lately, it’s all for one thing.

To go HOME.

To rest.
To lay our heads down.
To feel known, loved, and accepted.
To someone who makes a house a home.

The very fortunate few have both these things in the same place…the someone and the house.

I thought I had it too, but life has taught me otherwise.

Those who know me already know I’ve been hustling hard…to get home.

I worry that maybe all of us are so focused on the fucking destination that we are missing out on the beauty of this journey

This journey of life...

No matter what it looks like, a struggle, a tragedy, a heartbreak, an unrequited love story, a hustle to make a home with someone, or a hustle to get out of…



Wistful writer

Romantic, reader, emotional fool, artist, life has taught me to let go, what I am isn’t what I chose to be, it's what life made me.